Erika and John are on the blog again, this time with their adorable daughter Cora.
This was my first session after a little thing called a pandemic that has taken over the world. In case you hadn't heard, there's a virus going around called Covid-19... And I'm not going to lie, I have soooo missed getting to see my sweet clients in person! This session was still a little bit different than usual, as we had to keep our distance and I couldn't give them a hug, but I felt so blessed to be out shooting again!
Although we weren't able to photograph at the location we planned, due to the virus, we improvised. I called up a friend in Sebastian, and asked if I could explore the area behind her house and take my client's family photos there. She of course said yes, and it was so thrilling to be shooting in a new location.
This virus has been quite unexpected, and everyone's plans have changed because of it, but I am trying to find the beauty in it as well. I never would have had the push to shoot at this new location had I not been forced to do so.
I don't generally do this, but I find it would be beneficial for all of us to reflect a little bit. I want you to think on this question: what good has come out of the unexpected coronavirus?
Erika and John, thank you both so much for being up for the adventure to try a new location. It truly brought me so much joy to see your faces again. Your family is so incredibly precious and I feel honored to have been able to capture photos for you. The love you have for sweet Cora is so evident not only in person, but it also shines through these images. I pray these photos are a blessing to you both and to Cora as she grows older.
